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Willkommen bei meinem exklusiven Massagestudio Traumzeit! Ich freue mich, Ihnen meine vielfältigen und entspannenden Massagen vorstellen zu dürfen. Tauchen Sie ein in eine Welt der Erholung und genießen Sie Momente der puren Entspannung für Körper und Geist.
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Termine nach Vereinbarung

TraumZeit Massage Studio


Singing bowls

Singing bowl therapy is a holistic method for relaxation and promotion of well-being. By gently striking the singing bowls, harmonious sounds are created that reduce stress, activate the self-healing powers and enable deep relaxation.


Reiki is a recognized traditional Japanese energy healing technique. In this process, the therapist transmits his healing energy through the laying on of hands to release blockages and activate the self-healing powers. The well-being of the patient is increased.

Ku Nye Traditional Tibetan Massage (TTM)

Ku Nye is a traditional Tibetan massage based on a centuries-old healing art. It combines gentle touch, deep kneading and energetic balancing to bring body and mind into harmony. This therapy promotes relaxation, improves blood circulation and strengthens the general well-being.

classical massages

Classic massage, also called Swedish massage, relieves tension, promotes relaxation and improves blood circulation. Stroking, kneading, rubbing and tapping loosen muscles and revitalize the body. Ideal for relieving stress and bringing body and mind into harmony.

Only the best is good enough!


In our massage studio everything revolves around your well-being and relaxation. We use the best products for our massages and combine traditional techniques with modern elements. Discover the beneficial effects of singing bowls and learn the secrets of Tibetan customer.

We place great emphasis on sustainability and use only the most natural ingredients for our oils and lotions. Your health and hygiene are our top priorities, so we always ensure the highest levels of cleanliness and privacy.

My ambience is an oasis of tranquility that will take you to a world of relaxation. Here you can leave the stress of everyday life behind and completely switch off. Enjoy moments of relaxation and immerse yourself in a massage experience that harmonizes body and mind.

Singing bowls applications

Singing bowl massage

70 €

/ 45 min.

The harmonious sounds and gentle vibrations of the singing bowls have a calming effect and lead to deep relaxation. The singing bowl vibrations are transmitted to the entire body and have an effect on three levels. They are felt on the physical level through vibration which addresses every cell in the body and brings it back to its original harmony. The acoustic perception of the sounds leads us into a deep relaxation, from where we can let go of our everyday stress, thoughts and worries. The sounds also affect the subtle body, meridians and chakras. Thus, our self-healing powers are activated. Treatment with singing bowls is especially recommended for tension in the abdominal area, back, neck and shoulder area. Tension and hardening of muscles and fascia are loosened. Singing bowl massage is also suitable for children and teenagers. The massage is performed clothed, comfortable and loose natural fiber clothing is recommended.

The sound massage works:

Sound meditation

70 €

/ 45 min.

During the sound meditation you lie on your back or sit comfortably and let the sounds and vibrations take effect on you. The sound meditation takes place without direct physical contact. The sounds and vibrations can be conducted very well with water, this makes our body, which consists mostly of water, an excellent conducting medium. The meditation stimulates the body to first resonate in the shell frequency and then to return to its very own harmonious vibrational frequency. The meditation is also suitable for beginners.

The sound meditation works:

Nye Traditional Tibetan Massage (TTM)

Ku Nye full body with head and face

115 €

/ 90 min.

Ku Nye the traditional Tibetan massage has a deep relaxing effect and helps to reduce stress. Ku Nye promotes flexibility, sharpens the senses and rejuvenates the body and mind. The special type of massage technique can release tension and hardening in the physical and psychological spheres. A special treatment is given to the head, neck, back and feet, massaged with warmed sesame oil. The heat has an additional relaxing effect. The treatment is individually tailored to physical characteristics, complaints, mental well-being, climate and seasons.

The Ku Nye works:

( Mongolian moxa TTM) heat application with herbal sachets

70 €

/ 45 min.

A gentle and powerful Tibetan technique. A heat application with spice sachets and warm sesame oil that creates a deep physical, energetic and mental well-being. This technique is suitable for everyone and has no contraindications. The body is gently massaged with warm oil and acupressure points (especially on the head, back and chest) are massaged with the spice bags.

The Horme works:

Head, neck and foot massage with TTM acupressure points

70 €

/ 60 min.

It is massaged with warm sesame oil and working on certain acupressure points frees the head, has a relaxing effect and allows the energies to flow. Helps especially with headaches, tension in the neck, stress and sleep disorders.

The massage works:

Facial massage with mother of pearl shell and TTM (Traditional Tibetan Medicine) acupressure points

40 €

/ 25 min.

During the facial massage, high-quality oils and the mother-of-pearl shell are used. The permanently stressed facial muscles are relaxed and the connective tissue of the skin is stimulated. As a result, it makes the skin look fresher, younger and smoother than before. The acupressure points help, among other things, tired and puffy eyes, headaches, colds and stimulate the flow of energy.

The facial massage works:

Reiki universal life energy

Discover the traditional Japanese healing method for relaxation, stress relief and inner peace.

Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing method that can be translated as “universal life energy”. Reiki is an energetic treatment where the energies flow through the palms of the hands to the recipient. The self-healing powers are supported and the inner well-being is increased. In addition, the method is ideal for stress reduction, to recharge one’s batteries and to find one’s inner peace again. Reiki dissolves energy blockages and harmonizes the different levels of body, mind and spirit. Our life energy flows through our body again without any obstacles. Reiki is suitable for everyone and serves to strengthen health and relaxation. The treatment is performed clothed, comfortable and loose natural fiber clothing is recommended.

Reiki helps you:

Reiki treatment

150 €

/ 90 min.

This Reiki treatment treats the principle energy points of the body, the chakras, the organs, the sensory organs, the meridians and the joints. The Reiki energy harmonizes the whole body.

Reiki treatment with chakra balancing

50 €

/ 30 min.

Treatment of the seven main chakras. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel, vortex, gyroscope. The energy vortices “chakras” supply the body with subtle information and connect us with the universe. The treatment of the chakras helps the universal life energy to flow freely.

Reiki treatment of the five organs

50 €

/ 30 min.

This Reiki treatment strengthens the energy flow and releases energetic blockages
in the organs such as kidneys, lungs, liver, spleen-pancreas and heart.

Classic massages

Classic full body massage

70 €

/ 55 min.

Muscle stiffness can be relieved, you feel lighter and more relaxed. Blood circulation is improved and the skin is better supplied with nutrients.

The full body massage works:

What my customers say

Sarah Fazure Content creator

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Wellbeing packages

Experience one of my special wellness packages for body and mind. Enjoy wellness with Reiki, singing bowls and traditional Ku Nye massage. A harmonious interaction for deep well-being and relaxation.

Body & Mind